Puppy Socialization Class

We offer puppy socialization classes to foster vital social skills in a supportive environment.

Socialization is a crucial part of a puppy’s development and sets them up for a happy and stress-free life out in the world. Effective socialization will reduce issues, such as anxiety in strange places, fear aggression with new people, and dog reactivity. Socialization with people can begin the moment your new pup arrives. However, socialization with other dogs requires a bit more preparation and care to ensure that you are protecting your puppy from viruses before they are fully vaccinated. Our veterinarians are happy to discuss this with you in detail during your first puppy appointment.

Do you offer private behaviour counseling and training?

Our veterinarians can consult with you regarding your puppy’s training needs and can direct you to a professional trainer who can help with continuing your training efforts more formally.

When should my puppy start school?

It is recommended that your puppy completes his/her first two vaccinations for parvovirus before starting a puppy class. It is typically completed by 12 weeks of age, and we encourage you to start a class shortly after that to take the best advantage of your pup’s most impressionable period of life.

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